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Letter from Edna Stackhouse to Quadir Jamir Stackhouse
Jahleem Montague

Letter from Edna Stackhouse to Quadir Jamir Stackhouse

Dear son, Let me start by telling you what you already know. I love you with all my heart and I always will. I became your mom at the tender age of 16 which means we grew up together. You made me the woman I am today. You have been by my side through all the moments good and bad. As I watched you grow into the young handsome man you are, I need you to know despite all things, I am proud of you and all the things you accomplished while you were here with us. You were always smart, kind, polite, and most of all respectful. Everyone who encountered you would always come and tell me what a good job I was doing with you because you are so respectful to adults. Even though you’d always get smart with me LOL. Nonetheless I'd be lying to say I wasn’t proud of the young man you were. When my grandson passed I watched you blossom into a young father. Even though he went to be with God, I remember you calling me on FaceTime so I wouldn’t miss hiss delivery. And even though you knew he wouldn’t make it , you didn’t let that steal the joy of your son being born. Through the pain you still cut his umbilical cord. You said mom he’s here! Its a boy! I cried and you smiled and said its ok. I went to ask, “what was his name?” But before I could say anything, you said his name was Quadir. As the days passed and the arrangements were made for baby Qua, you took full control. You did everything! You went and picked all his flower arrangements. You hand picked his outfit. You even went to staples and typed his entire obituary, including pictures. Calling LeeLee every step of the way. So I say this to say, “you caring for my grand baby in these moments showed me what a great father you already were." I knew I did a good job and that you knew to stand on your own two feet and handle your responsibilities. I just need you to know you will live through us forever and your name will not go in vain. Watch over your baby sisters and PLEASE son, come back to visit me. And know a day will not go by without me missing you. Please give my grand son a kiss for me. Love Always, Mommy Songs: @hunnitgmd_ - “Top Shotta” | @hotboymo3 & @ogbobbybillions - “Outside” Instagram: @hiddentalentmedia Booking:
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